While the Memoscopio Archive will develop slowly over time, Memoscopio News engages us with time-sensitive information about nonviolence. Using social media, we are piloting ways to find, curate, and share news. In this process, we gather useful information that can later be analyzed, while also educating ourselves and our developing audience about the role […]
Questions. We study the experiences of people who are experimenting with nonviolence as a tool for social change . We ask question like: What role can nonviolence have in a a world of global crises? How do people learn nonviolence and how can it be used to promote peace, justice, and solidarity? […]
Digital exhibits. For the 1-year anniversary of the World March we curated Moments of the World March, a digital exhibit featuring selected testimonios from participants in USA, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina. Collections. The Archive is a long-term project currently in its seminal stages. As it develops, it will serve […]